Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Who Deserves the cure?

Vampire Diaries Season 4 Promo Poster of Stefan, Rebekah, and Elena
  • The cure has been the driving force behind so much of The Vampire Diariesaction this season, not to mention the topic of much deep conversation: Who wants it, who doesn’t, who wants to use it to murder someone else, etc.

    Hopes were high going into the gang’s little cure-hunting island adventure, and we were on pins and needles to see how this possible cure would change things in Mystic Falls. WouldElena (Nina Dobrev) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) have a happy human life together? Could Damon (Ian Somerhalder) love a human Elena now that he’s known her as a vampire? So many questions!

    But then, record scratch: It turns out there’s only one dose of the cure!

    Now it’s not a matter of who wants to take the cure or not, but which one vamp deserves it most. So, who do you think should get the cure?

    Elena: Even though Elena has finally realized that, should she become human again, she will never be the girl she was before, she hasn’t been a vampire for very long. She could probably go back to being a high school student of normal upper body strength without too much difficulty.

    Stefan: After learning that he’s been harboring a secret longing for his humanity since he became a vampire in 1864, the thought that Stefan might get a shot at a normal life is pretty heartwarming. Though asRebekah (Claire Holt) astutely pointed out, if Stefan did get the cure he’d probably just give it to Elena. So, there’s that.

    Rebekah: This Original admitted that to Stefan that she dreamed of a normal life, complete with boombox scene from Say Anything (happens every day to us humans, Rebekah!). It was actually quite a touching confession, and since she’s been immortal for a long-ass time, she does kind of deserve it. But at the same time, she’s been immortal for a long-ass time: Could she even handle being a human again?

    Vaughn (Charlie Bewley): This hunter wants to use the cure to make Silas mortal so he can kill him, which kind of makes sense since these people couldn’t just leave him frozen like a rock monster for the rest of time. Now that Katherine fed him Jeremy’s (Steven R. McQueen) blood (sob!), that’s probably not a door that can be closed again, so maybe killing this terrifying immortal being who will wreak havoc on the world isn’t the worst idea.

    Caroline (Candice Accola): She may have no intention of giving up the power of vampirism herself, but if Caroline got her hands on the cure she could shove it down Klaus’s (Joseph Morgan) throat and lift the death sentence on her loverman Tyler (Michael Trevino). Downside: RIP Klaroline!

    Katherine: For someone who seems to relish her vampire-ness as much as Katherine Pierce, she doesn’t seem like the most likely candidate for becoming human again. But after the lengths she went to to get it, you can bet she’s got a good (though possibly nefarious) reason.

    Bonnie (Kat Graham): With the cure, wee witchy Bonnie could get her mom back, but after all she’s sacrificed to keep Elena safe we can’t imagine her denying her BFF a chance at returning to the land of the living.

    Elijah (Daniel Gillies): Let’s not forget this Original! Maybe he wants the cure. Since he strives to be moral and good, that might be easier if he turns in his fangs.
    Who deserves the cure on TVD?

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